
By scribbler

The rabbi comes to church

Rabbi Michael at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral again, delivering a talk on the Jewish roots of social action.
Encore, encore!
Rabbi Michael is definitely not chatoyant — his luster is unchangeable. Today he received a standing ovation from an overflow crowd.

LittlestDragon's 'Simplicity' challenge #2 (first 8 days in March). SOOC, cropped (and straightened the teeniest bit).

Personally, I was moved to tears by Rabbi Michael's reminders of the justice inherent in Hebrew scripture and the Talmud, which lay out not only the principles by which we should act, but the specific actions we should take in service to those principles. Not just "Feed the poor," but "When you're harvesting, any grain that drops to the ground is to be left for the poor. It doesn't belong to you anymore, it belongs to them."

When I went to thank the rabbi afterward, I was so choked up I could hardly speak. All I could say was, "Please come back!"

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