
By scribbler


Street scene near Dishman Community Center. (SOOC)

LittlestDragon's 'Simplicity' challenge #1 (first 8 days in March).

Call me pusillanimous if you like, but simplicity seems a welcome change of pace after a month of alphabet soup. DDW's February challenge was hard!

I love my pool, and I love the old lichen-covered trees around the parking lot. But I'd never noticed the perfect lichen heart on this tree before. It was very hard to capture in the bleak drizzly morning overcast, but by the time I emerged after my aquatics class there was a bit more light. So here's Nature's heart reflecting mine.

Other depictions of love in this shot include parents' love for their kids, kids' love for life, and (in the background on the left) an example of civic love for citizens—a fire engine with emergency personnel just arrived to care for someone needing help. Oh, and my love for my iPhone, still my only camera!

Nothing is as simple as it looks at first glance!

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