Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

A Walk by the River

Tomorrow morning the builders start the repairs to Amy's bedroom, or rather to our new office. We have decided to move Amy into the current spare room/office and make her current bedroom, our office. She is over the moon as she gets a bigger room and I am very excited as I will get a designated sewing space in the new office. We just need to get the roof and walls repaired first! So this morning we had to move all of Amy's furniture . I can truely say I am exhausted this evening!

After we had finished, we went for a walk this afternoon to get some fresh air. We walked into Twickenham along the river... and oh my goodness it was so high again! Never have seen this park so far under water. Even the children playground which is right by the road, was flooded! When will this wetness end?!

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