
It was raining first thing this morning which is a first for us in 10 years of coming here, so we were not inclined to get out early. In the afternoon we took a new (this year) marked snowshoe track up towards Navettagaleria cafe. We branched off up one of the summer walking trails which was easy going as it was fairly compacted. On the way up hill heading in the direction of Hanguskurun we saw a couple of curious Jays that followed us (looking for food) and then in the distance a reindeer. Its hard to be stealthy on snowshoes but we got fairly close before he spotted us and disappeared off up the track flinging snow with his enormous hooves out the back as he went. We had a couple more encounters as we ascended then as as we got nearer the crest of the hill there was a whole heard of them maybe 100 or so. Its interesting how on their own or in small groups they will run as soon as they see you but in a big group they kind of look at you maybe walk a few paces away and look at you again- like this little one who was our favourite shot of the day.

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