March Madness

Going....going...almost gone!

The evening had just begun, but I think my friend here (aka Quiz Master) was almost already gone :)

A bittersweet evening. Our favorite local watering hole, Lulu's - where our monthly quiz nights are held in both English and German, as well as music nights, comedy nights, and all manner of expat celebrations - held a very different type of event. An auction. Where everything not nailed down, and much that was, went to the highest bidder. In two weeks Lulu's closes her doors forever.

I acquired two small crystal chandeliers my daughters coveted for their bedrooms. And this Champagne ice bucket - thanks to Quiz Master's sister- and brother-in-law, who refused to let the chap who already outbid me in everything else I wanted, win on this last little item. So they paid a princely price for the piece of tin, which has already been converted from clownish cap to planted pot.

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