Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Photography Show

After the good night's sleep guaranteed at the Premier Inn, I set off to the NEC for the first day of the Photography Show. The place was heaving with people by 10am when it opened. Inside there were retailers for everything photographic you might want/need or had never thought of!

I had tickets to hear Michael Freeman this morning and Rankin this afternoon. Both sessions were very interesting at all sorts of levels. I nearly spent a lot of money on one of Freeman's books, but held off. (There is always tomorrow of course.) I liked his philosophy about his photography and was very impressed with images from the most remote reaches of the earth.

I talked to lots of other photographers. The atmosphere was very friendly if a bit testosterone charged.

Here is one of the models at the show, standing patiently while someone gave a talk on lighting.

Tomorrow there is a blip meet at the show and I'm looking forward to that a lot.

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