Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Meeting people in Malaga

I've had a great day meeting different people in Malaga.

I climbed up to the Gibralfaro Castle before it was too hot and met a couple from Belgium, also toiling upwards for the spectacular views. Arth and Aggie did very well, even on the descent!

In town, I visited the cathedral - it was possible to go in because there was a mass in progress. No cameras allowed, but suffice it to say that this is another piece of Baroque splendour, where every saint looks very sad.

The gallery of Felix Revello de Toro is a quiet oasis as the streets soon became very busy like yesterday. 

Lunch was at El Pimpi, a famous restaurant below the Alcaraz.  The pizza was unremarkable but the ice cream was wonderful.

A siesta was welcome before I headed out for the evening. I walked west along the dock road where many joggers, cyclists and dog walkers enjoyed the cooler temperatures.  The docks were deserted and I was able to wander around and photograph the fishing boats.

On my way back to town, I met Armina and Fatima, sisters from Casablanca, who were picnicing on a bridge. They shared a tuna sandwich with me and we had a hilarious time trying to communicate. I was dredging up my limited French........  It was such fun.

Back in town, my "favourite" taverna was closed so I had to look elsewhere. Outside this bar, a young woman was inviting people to eat there. It did not look like my sort of place at all!  There was football, albeit without sound, on the TV outside and the menu looked a bit tatty.

How wrong you can be. I had a delicious salmon salad with a good beer. Then I chatted to the Dutch couple on the next table. He used to publish choral sheet music. She works full time as a social worker in a women's prison. They have 6 children between them and 8+ grandchildren.

Just when we thought we were leaving, an English skipper from Bristol showed up. His work is delivering boats to their new owners. He was a card and a half. We all shared a bottle of wine and many stories.

Then, a singer and guitarist approached and entertained us. The singer is 82 and I think the guitarist may be his son. They were superb to watch and listen too.

A pregnant Somali woman sold me 2 bracelets.

What an evening/what a day.  You never know who you will meet!

(The photo is not great technically but it shows the musicians and the girl who persuaded me to stop and eat outside the bar.)

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