One Man and his Dog... Almost home.

I dropped behind my lovely farmer friend on the way back to his farm after a glorious walk on the Pegsdon Hills, which can be seen here forming the backdrop.

What a beautiful sunny day, although the temperature dropped sharply as the sun set.

Back at the farm, a ewe had lambed whilst we were out, one live lamb and sadly, one dead one. Another ewe gave birth to triplets last night and the ewe was not coping with all three, so my friend took the weakest off her and, after smearing the little lamb with the afterbirth of the dead lamb, he put it in the pen with the ewe and her surviving lamb in the hope that the ewe would adopt it.

We left them in a quiet corner for nature to work her magic.

If the plan doesn't work, the lamb will be bottle fed, as it will not be accepted back by its natural mum.

I did take some shots of the lambs, but it was quite dark in the barn, and there was quite a lot of blood and gore on show. This one summed up the day and there will be other fluffy lamby opportunities in the future.

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