
By SomeGuyInNJ

55/365 The Valley of Fire

After getting back from Death Valley to Vegas I had an extra that since I booked the trip I planned to spend up at the Valley of Fire.

This shot is at a rock formation called the Fire Wave. I have chosen this shot because of the extreme light. I moved so the setting sun was peeking around the rock and got rather a lot of lens flare. The shot is 2 stops over exposed and quite washed out. I pulled back the highlights and made a lot of slider changes and some adjustment brush painting in Lightroom to bring some of the contrast. Its one of those flawed shots that even though I took better on the day I love this one.

Part of a series of Backblips for my trip to Death Valley and the Valley of Fire.

See the others

- The Valley of Fire
- Nelson Nevada
- Artists Palette
- Zabriskie Point Model Shoot
- Sunrise on the Mesquite Dunes
- Sunrise at Dantes View
- Badwater

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