
By OldTimer


I do not know what happened to my spiel on my pic but here goes will write another one.
It is the display for a book launch in our Parish. Over the last few years we have sponsored a poetry and prose competition through out NZ and put the winning ones into a book. First one was called " fuel for the soul " 2nd one "I saw love today" It mainly had writings gleaned from the happenings of and after the earthquake 500 copies of this book were given to Parishes in Christchurch to give away. This one is called "Journeys " and is about hope to do with cancer. 500 copies of this book are being given to the local cancer society.

My job put up a display to show off the books for the launch and this I did. It did not photograph well as the material behind it is sharp white but it does not seem so in the pic.
So have been up since the crack of dawn to make a pie for guests arriving from Auckland for the launch. She being the winning author so that will be interesting. The authors are coming from all-around NZ for the launch.

Yesterday made Chicken casserole for twelve for the dinner following the function tonight. Life does not get easier just because you get older,

Philosophy on Hope.
Hands of hope are the hands that help, heal, protect and comfort.
Use your hands to give hope, and you will have hope to hold.

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