Crocus carpet

I've got a job another little job for the next couple of weeks, taking photos of the wonderful carpet of Crocus, the Spring flowers and wild life which abound in the local Churchyard. The Churchwarden who usually does the job is not very well at the moment and as I took some photos last year of the 'Hedgehog Rescue Project' they've asked me if I would oblige??!!. I hope that I can come up with some slightly more imaginative shots than this but it was taken after work in low light with no time to fiddle.

Mr T will be arriving home soon after a couple of days gliding and wearing 4 steri stips on the top of his head having made close contact with the sticking-out angle iron thingies from the retrieve winch landrover roof yesterday - alot of blood apparantly and yet another scar to add to his collection, but not too serious an injury thank goodness - however, his pillow and pillowcase in the caravan are now a deep red colour instead of a delicate cream. Now he's home I'll suggest that he wears a bath cap, or something similar, in bed tonight .... or would that be construed as just a little tooooo kinky??!!

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