
By HareBrain

Grass ...

I'm two and a half days old and this is my first experience of the green stuff - Mum is loving it having been shut up indoors for a few days but I am just having the bottle ( udder) mostly and presume I will be taught to eat this green stuff at some stage?

Now its me, HareBrain, here and I have had a wonderful day off - its been full of photo stuff. The most part of the day has been spent with a new friend who is a pro (not prostitute, professional photographer! phew, thank goodness I have re-read this ramble) who lives in a village not far away from me. We spent most of the morning drinking coffee with her trying to fill my head once again with the theory of settings etc. but we spent the afternoon putting it into some sort of practice!! The light was very difficult, lovely bright sunshine for a change and it was all very challenging, but,

As I was on my way home I looked in the fields where I had seen the lambs a few weeks ago, but the fields were bare, and then I met a farmer friend who was just about to unload his latest flock of lambs so I waited around for a while and watched this little one, Mum, and others being unloaded into the big wide world for the first time.

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