A little ray of sunshine

By Fizzerella


As my parents were away last night and wouldn't be home till tea time I thought I'd give the house a good clean and tidy up before we headed over to theirs. I planned to have lunch, drive over to Chester, get the kids out on the bikes for bit and then get the tea on ready for my parents getting back.

Unfortunately, owing to my mum's inaccurate shot and subsequent desire to retrieve a golf ball that had rolled off down a slope, our first stop off in Chester was at the hospital. It could be worse, although as far as ankle factures go, it could be better. When it comes to braking bones, it's not so much the actual bones that are broken that cause problem, so much as the ligament damage that keeps all the bones where they should be. She's done a proper job on it, breaking both sides of the ankle and therefore leaving the joint unstable and thus requiring an op to fix it. Hopefully the swelling will have gone down enough by the morning and they'll be able to operate tomorrow, otherwise it'll be back home for a few days first. For someone who has been over to fall over nothing on flat ground even without alcohol, it was never going to be a good idea to descend down a slope, and there were plenty more balls in the bag.

A late evening stroll to get some calpol for C who is snotty and sneezy, giving me a chance to get a late blip. This is St John the Baptist Church reputedly founded by King Aethelred in 689 and was the site of the first Cathedral in Chester. I didn't have a tripod in my handbag so was quite pleased with how well this came out as it was hand held. Have yet to work out what all the writing being projected onto it is which appeared as I was taking the photos.

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