I've Lost my Glasses....Oops!

Hi Tom

I can't find my glasses. I've looked everywhere. I always keep them in the car as I really only need them for driving. I know I had them yesterday because I drove to the restaurant and home. I've traced my steps from when I got in last night and they are nowhere to be seen.

As you can see I've tipped my bag out to see if they were in there....what a load of rubbish I carry around with me. Umbrella, gloves, and an odd glove, dog poo bags, tooth picks which have fallen out of their bag, lip glosses...lots, other make up, purse, phone, hairbrush, tissues...lots, hair bands, an apple, diary, leaflets, receipts, mirror, letters, pens, pencils, sugar packs, mints, cheque book, BS book, plastic stick on eye and change.....but no glasses.

I'm not sure you can see everything that's in there. I literally dumped it out and blipped it. I guess it all has it's uses...not sure about an odd glove though!

I have my sunglasses which have optical lenses they are fine except at night time...which I had to drive in them tonight.....I'll just have to keep looking.

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