A Little Known Page...
…in the Annals of Russian Sports History! Stanislav Squirrel, a well known and hugely beloved little rodent athlete, was the very first Squirrel to medal in all three of the Original Peanut Manipulation Events back in the 1936 AOGs. A bronze statue sculpted in his likeness stands today at the corner of Chekhov Street and Nested Dolls Avenue, under an ancient oak tree in the Great City of Moscow. This is one of the few photos of Stanislav to survive to modern times.
It pleases this reporter greatly to tell you that Finella Fish took home the most beautiful trophy, it was given to her by her very own...Team Fish ...for being a wonderful and very beautiful…Fish!
Team Fowl was awarded the 'You're So Funny, You Quack Me Up' Trophy! And here are Daryl and Drew, rushing up to receive the award during the Closing Ceremonies!
These AOGs have been really Fun! I have enjoyed being part of the team reporting on them for you! Thank you, Debbi for spearheading this project :)
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