Gaia's Child

By maura143

It Was…Inevitable.

As this Olympiad draws to a close…many warm and wonderful friendships were forged, International Understanding furthered, and Romantic Possibilities begun.
Don and Daphne, members of Team Water Fowl, met and have fallen Deeply in Love. I mean really folks, it's just so touching, just look how they gaze at each other:) Oh my, there I go getting all mushy…which is so totally not me.

The Finals in the 'Gulp and Go' are over and Finella of Team Fish took a Silver and I mean she really 'Took It' and swam quickly out of sight! Frieda of Team Fish won the Bronze in Aquatic Fin Dancing. Way to go…Frieda!

Representing Team Reptile, Leandra Lizard Scored the Gold in Rock Sunning! Actually this was the only Medal procured by Team Reptile. They didn't seem too particularly upset by this outcome.

And finally…in a rather Obscure Sport, Static Leaf Falling, Lief Leaf of Team Green, proudly took home the Gold Green. Here's Lief in his Final Fall. way ahead of any Competition!

And so ends another exciting day at the AOG! Tomorrow The Closing Ceremonies!

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