A time for everything

By turnx3

Afternoon walk

This morning was Coffee and Conversation group at church. Our speakers were our senior pastor and our director of operations talking about our "great problems"! That is, that our congregation has grown considerably over recent years, and we are pushing our facilities to their limit. Our church is the largest of 84 churches in the Presbytery, by a considerable amount. In fact in the last year, only 15 of those 84 have sustained any growth, and our church accounts for 26% of that growth! We have recently added a third service to try to off-set over crowding at the former second service.

While I was at church, Roger was out biking with the Cincinnati Cycling Club - a 40-mile ride with a stop for breakfast en route! After lunch we went for a walk at Winton Woods, enjoying the beautiful cloud formations. On Monday I had talked about making the most of the last of the warm days. However, after a couple of somewhat cooler days, the temperatures have again rebounded back to the upper sixties (F), with wall-to-wall sunshine! We're going to pay for it sometime, but in the meantime, we'll enjoy it!!

One year ago: "Are you looking at me?"

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