
By Beckett


.... as the Alternative Olympics draws close to a close all hell broke out in the TEAM OZ camp today!!!

Brandon.... or as he prefers to be known as "Slick" - was no where to be seen coming to the start of his down hill bobsled race, and he was second favourite for a medal!!! Anyway, as the team searched high and low it became apparent other members of the team had also decided to "check out the sights"!!!

They found Frank enjoying the park! Good thing they looked there as sweet Sally as she likes to be called, was also flitting around, claiming to be practicing for her event in the ice ballet later today.

Finally, they came across "Slick", (he got the nick name as he is always looking at himself in the mirror ) sure enough true to his name there he was in the car park flirting with himself in a car window!

My Blip of "Slick" today is taken as he darted away after being found.

And, as reported on the 17th Rusty the crow was out scavenging, well today he was seen giving the media a mouthful, something about showing him on the bin in the papers!!!

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE.

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