Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul


As the forecast was showing to be relatively good this morning I took Misty for a walk at Derwentwater. I'd forgotten about it being half term and the area was very very busy with tourists. We walked through the woods at the far side of the lake where Misty was able to run and run. I was expecting to see lots of other dogs but we actually only met one dog, a very young chocolate labrador who Misty had a great time with. The weather changed at that point and it started to drizzle for a while which is probably why I had a bit of a mishap a short while later. Yes I know I'm a walking disaster!! I wasn't paying attention to walking down a rocky slope and yes of course I slipped and fell very hard landing on my shoulder on the rocks. I eventually managed to get up thinking I'd broken my shoulder... but when I stood up my left shoulder popped back in, phew, so relieved. So for the first time in 3 years I'm taking pain killers, say no more!! Oh and my choice of footwear probably had something to do with it :( Got lots of driving for work to do over the next three days so not looking forward to that.

This shot is the very first shot I took after parking the car.

Thank you all so much for your kind comments on yesterday's blip :)

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