0804 to Leeds


"Can you describe their personalities, are they very different?"
"Totally. Titan here is so chilled, he's almost flat sometimes. Hectar can be quite nervous, especially around unfamiliar faces."

Nick was getting plenty of looks as he walked up the pedestrianised high street, it wasn't so much him of course but his two great danes - Titan (on the right), and Hectar (on the left).

I had to ask Nick to stand in the centre of the high street to get them all in, and it took a while until I got a shot where the dogs were still, and more importantly, looking towards the camera. After some shouting and gesturing I managed to fire off a few shots which worked, even though the composition was slightly off. What do they say, never work with children and animals? :)

Both dogs are around 18 months old, which we would regard as being young but he told me they live up to around 7 years so relative to that they are in their teens. Speaking to Nick, while he had to control the dogs was an interesting experience. He either had Hectar literally jumping up at him (a sign of jealousy Nick told me), or he had his arm in one of their jaws.

We were gathering quite a crowd while we talked, with people coming to ask if they could pat the dogs, and several people had their phones out taking videos - it was quite a scene!

Humans of Leeds

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