
By WeeDragon_J

U is for Utensils Upside-down World

Today decided that something needs to be done with the pots'n'pans.

But I also wanted to get on with my knitting, what a dilemma, what to do first.

Knitted until the sun was in the garden, set up Blip, take several as the sun might not return today, back to knitting. Wash kitchen stuff whilst awaiting the Forfar Bridie heating up for lunch. :-)

Lunch and then play with computer to Blip etc.

Today's Blip is an utensil - spoon reflecting the upside-down world of the crocuses, me with big camera in the corner (did try to hide), house reflecting the sun back into the garden. so pleased it managed to pick up the blue sky that comes and goes.

Not sure how to get the spoon in focus, tried higher - lower - zoom - focus on spoon = blurred crocuses in front.

But had some fun out in the garden with some sun, really glad the neighbours are not out too ;-) wouldn't know what to say...?

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