View From The Top

So here we are having had breakfast, The Boss of course, everyone kno's that small stuffed dogs don't eat breakfast, and driving over the Crown Range to Queenstown. This view was on the down hill side as the sun was rising and caught the hills and The Boss got all excited and had to wait until there was somewhere to pull off the road, which he did with a cloud of dust, tearing the door open and running around Suzz to grab the shot with his fruit phone while the going Errrr, stopping was good.
The flight North was hair raising and for the Boss that is pretty difficult given that he doesn't have a lot to raise, but the plane we were going North in was very late arriving from the North and by the time we were all on board and I was tucked nicely under the seat we were seriously late and our connection to Wellington was tight before and was now going to be to close to call.
It is a good thing that I am a girl stuffed dog as the view from under the seat would not be at all correct for a boy stuffed dog given what was sitting next door to the Boss.
AND yes he did engage her in small talk and was really surprised to find she was an engineering consultant. He said that the chatting was only because he was nervous about missing the connection to Wellington and The Bossess.....Right......
Well this is being written in Wellington so you can see that luckily gate 20 was a fast run from gate 16 and all's well that ends in Wellington.
Oh and we walked into town from the airport. That was (2 hours) fun except for the ferocious winds that this place is famous for. A canny scot would be proud of us.
Over the top?

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