May the Force Be With You

Taco dinner and ice cream dessert for the team tonight after practice. I love all of these girls, but these are two of my favorites, maybe because of their soft-spokedness. Mikayla, or Mickey (right) has made huge strides this year. When I addressed the student body today at a pep assembly, she turned to me when I was done and said almost in a whisper, "Nice speech, Pops." Hannah, or Harp as I call her, is our quiet, laid back starting point guard. When I put in a new press break yesterday, I was puzzled about a name for it. "What shall we call it," I asked. Hannah said quietly to me, "Force." I bent my ear and asked her,"Force?" She smiled and whispered, "Yeah, you know, like 'May the Force be with you."

This is why I love these girls and I want this season to continue. May the force be with us.

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