In yer face! - Panto week #5

For those with "virtual tickets" ...

Billy is accused of being Dick Turpin. He's put on trial and sentenced to death but is saved by the real Dick Turpin. Everyone is invited to the party at Lotaloot Hall.

Dame Dollop is a bit clumsy and each night has tripped and the puddin' has gone right in Billy's face! There has then been a bit of a water fight. Oh well, it is panto! I realised after it was too late that I should have put my hat back on for the photo.

Another great show this evening. They kept me guessing in the chase scene. We've done it right the last three nights but tonight, having been knocked to the floor, I got up to find the "wrong" people there. Oh well, we've missed a bit I thought. I was pushed down again and got back up expecting the next bit only to find they had gone round again with another slight variation. Down I went again wondering who I would encounter when I got back up ... but then we got back on track!

Leg update - still the same. Slightly better but still keep getting shooting pains if I catch it wrong. Ouch!

Three shows down, only one left. I don't want it to finish!!!

Panto week starts here.

UPDATE - Just realised I blipped our Dame on this day last year too! >>>>>>>>>>>

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