Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Empty but Filling Up

A bit like me.

I can’t think straight just now and get myself organised. Needed milk and bread so ended up in Asda again this morning with pj’s under my clothes. Stopped by the harbour to see the tide coming in.

Was up at 4am this morning and have spent the day on the sofa. The tears have come and gone, the agitation has built up at times and I have punched and kicked things desperate to scream but aware of neighbours hearing. Another day of cutting. I cannot relax.

After a criticising text from Mum I threw my mug of tea across the room hitting the wall, smashing the mug and spraying tea all over the place.

I don’t know what is happening, I am meant to be getting better. I can’t cope. Thank goodness for the dr appointment I have tomorrow.

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