
... is the brother of Paul.

They are identical twins, born just a few minutes apart. I wonder if you would have guessed that from these two shots.

It's 11pm and I'm just back from Leeds and a meal with our ten visitors from Scotland who will be undertaking the user acceptance testing of our software over the next few days. It's been a very stimulating evening. It puts it all it into perspective when you get to meet the end users of your product. And makes it feel like the hard work is actually worthwhile. They are all such great people, doing an important job and are actually really enthusiastic about getting to use our system. Their expectations are rather high. The pressure is on. Now I've met these people I really don't want to let them down. I'm the one they'll be cursing if things don't work, but, lovely as they are, I doubt I'll get any praise if it all just sings along smoothly. That's how it is as a software developer. You only ever hear about bugs!

Thanks for the lovely reaction to yesterday's smooch. And thanks to those who inspired the much improved caption. Sadly, right now, I've still got a last couple of those pesky bugs to sort out before the morning. There always is!

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