Ace of Hearts

It seems to me that each bus shelter harbours its own microculture. Yesterday's shot depicted a mix of people who were determined to avoid eye contact with each other. I guess it depends on whether anyone knows each other or not. I don't think it's in the British character to strike up conversations with complete strangers. It often requires a bit of adversity, to provide a common sense of purpose or suffering, in order to get people talking to each other. Quite often, though, people do know each other and those bus shelters are home to quite a bit of lively banter amongst friends. This was one such case in point.

I was immediately drawn towards Jean here. I thought I recognised her as a previous subject but she insisted that I hadn't taken her picture before. I truly think she has a wonderful face and I told her so. If other people are around I often invite them to endorse my compliments. I was going to say flattery, but I like to think my compliments are sincere. She genuinely does have a beautiful face. "Isn't she beautiful", I offered up to my audience, to which this guy promptly replied yes and went in for a snog! She'll have a story to tell to her mates tonight!

She consented to have a portrait taken but told me not to expect her to smile. As soon as she said that I realised that I had indeed taken her photograph before. Looking at this face, it's easy to see why the gentleman here couldn't control himself. I tell you, these old girls don't half give off some rich pheromones!

Only a thirteen hour today so things are improving. I was utterly frazzled this morning but as I got more and more things ticked off the pressure started to ease. There is a bit of space in my head now for the first time this week.

Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes. Off to make some food now. Hoping to eat dinner before 11pm for a change!

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