
By carliewired

...And Heuvos Rancheros For Brunch

The bougainvillea
dangles over little shops
while clouds mask the sun

~ carliewired

We were up early this morning. D needs some new glasses. We walked across the border into Los Algodones, Mexico and were in an optical shop just after 9 AM.

The traffic into Mexico is considerable compared to our last jaunt in early January. February is a popular month to be on holidays in the southwest. The parking lot was beginning to fill on the California side as we drove in this morning.

D had his prescription in hand and had a recommendation from a neighbour here in Yuma. We were determined to make light work of it and be back across the border before 11 AM to avoid a tiring line up for the American customs.

I found a necklace for a friend's birthday next month. D sorted out a frame and did the paperwork. We were done! We hoofed the block to the border and were through with very little wait time. By 11 we were sitting in the casino's restaurant on the California side ordering our late breakfast.

I love it when a plan comes together!

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