Calm Kampot
So today at breakfast I asked Donna what should I do this morning and we agreed that a tuk tuk tour of the fishing villages and a general drive round would be perfect for me to get a better idea of village life and lots of photos. Paris my tuk tuk driver was lovely and delighted in driving me round and was very informative about life in Kampot. We ventured across the bridge to an old temple, attached as most of them are to a local school, where I learnt that the children are at school from 7-11 and 1-5, then down into the Muslim fishing villages. It is the local belief that the Muslims are better at fishing.. the boats go out overnight from 5pm returning in the morning to sell the fish at the markets. We clambered over the wooden planks to the boats where I almost pulled a fisherman.. I think he was quite shocked when he found out how old I was (he asked) and said I looked so young about his age and he was 25!!
We stopped at the salt fields, not yet showing many crystals as it was ot hot enough and then onto a large Buddha statue within a small community, before heading up to the dam built by the Chinese. All rice must now go through China.
Back for lunch at La Java Bleue and then afternoon boat trip with Bart the Belgian boatman (today's blip shot) a real laid back character between 3-6 pm with Aussie couple Steve and Tracie whom I'd met last night and a Swiss girl Shoshana who was a real laugh - we had a good chat and found that in both countries it is equally hard to find a single man that is not either strange, divorced or gay!!
After a Skype call home with the parents to reassure them I was in one piece, dinner was a superb steak and I went to bed and slept well after the day's excursions!
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