Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Unexpected Beauty

It was shaping up to be another blipless day.

I played pickleball at the Y in the morning, knowing that I would be playing in the league games this evening. I don't usually play twice in a day.

There weren't many hours between the morning and evening sessions, and I managed to fill the time quite easily with lunch, sorting out the rat's nest of wiring under my desk, a short nap, and a light dinner before going back to to the Y just after 5:00.

As I was getting out of my car in the parking lot, I noticed a lot of color in the sunset. I ran up the stairs to the top floor of the building and found an empty room with windows almost facing in the right direction. The room that faced west was occupied by a yoga class.

I had to shoot diagonally through the glass and take care to avoid getting the edge of the window frame in the photo. It was better than I expected.

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