The Ringling Museum

Right off the bat...I want to publicly apologize to the Ringling Foundation, and to Mr. Ringling Himself. Last week...on my Blip page, I got on them a little about charging 25 dollars to get in the door, and then nickel-and-diming you for the other tours. Well....

Come to find out Mr. Ringling put a stipulation in his will that one day a week the museum would be free. And...that day is Monday. And...MANY people know about it.

The free admission gets you into the museum of art, the garden, and the grounds. It doesn't get you into his private residence, or the circus museum. Maybe we'll go into the house when Lisa gets down here.

There must have been some big money in the circus, because the house was extravagant (almost gaudy), and the art collection is beyond belief. Huge canvased pieces, and huge bronze statues.

I was going to go with a more serious picture, but I liked the expression on this woman's face as she checked out the buxom nude.

Check out my FLICKR PAGE for some shots of the house, the museum, and the grounds.

I have a feeling I'll go back...thanks to the generosity of Mr. Ringling. A good day...seeing people out and about...enjoying themselves...and seeing some art.

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