Still Proud

When I talked to my wife Lisa on the phone last night, she asked..."Where you going to church tomorrow?"

"I'm going to the "wild" church."

"Give me one reason why you would go there."

I laughed (almost snorting) before I answered. "Because they serve Krispy Kremes (doughnuts) before the service."

"That is so shallow. Is that the only reason you go there?"

"No...since the preacher is piped know he's not going to go over. Plus...I have a secret parking spot that gets me out real quick."

" shallow. Any more reasons?"

"Yeah...unlike our church...I can wear shorts. Very informal...very...we like you just the way you are. Plus...I like the music."


The donut was delicious, the sermon was enlightening, and the music was...was...loud. Repetitive, blasting-your-innards loud.

Using my secret parking spot...and...not having to change clothes...I was walking along the beach in no time.

After a long walk, I returned to the Cortez Seafood Festival that I went to yesterday. I always love/hate to see the bird rehabilitation booth where this hawk is displayed. Hate to see that some of the birds aren't going back into the wild, but love the chance to see them close-up.

A few other pictures are on my FLICKR PAGE. Some nice pelicans, egrets, herons, and ospreys.

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