
You might remember that a few weeks ago I wrote about buying too many books. (Here.)

You won't be particularly surprised to hear that I've bought at least two books since then (I'm not going to think about it too closely because it might be more).

However, I have also made a concerted effort to spend more time reading, which, given that I love reading, has basically meant putting more time aside when I can, and staying off Twitter :-)

And it's worked, which, in theory, means I should have been publishing a few more #briefbookreviews on my Tumblr account but this has not been the case.

The reason for that is that I started off with Christopher Young's biography of David Sylvian's solo years, 'On the periphery'. It's an interesting book but very, very detailed and as well as being nearly four hundred pages long, look how dense the type is!

However, it's very rare that I read one book at a time and I'm whizzing through Bill Drummond's '100' at the moment, so I'll finish that soon and then I'll feel I'm making progress, chipping away at the book mountain.

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