Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

The Bug Bottled It

Richardo Kowalski, a veteran of the leaf-spring board, with several major wins to his credit, including gold at the last three Olympic games, Shocked the world by freezing just before his final jump. He had amassed an average score of 9.7 over the previous nine jumps which included three perfect tens, never before seen at the AOG diving pool.

His knees visibly shook as he gripped the edge of the board with his toes and his antennae fluttered about nervously. His proboscis then dropped to the board in a display of dejection, he turned his back on the pool and to the gasps of the crowd, walked away.

His family and close friends met him at the bottom of the ladder to comfort him, but he was inconsolable, and the sound of his wailing was drowned only by the adjudicator’s disqualification whistle, as time ran out.

Red faced Ricky left the arena, for the final time or will he be able to pull himself together for tomorrow’s prestigious high pole event. It doesn’t look promising.

This is Dave the Dung Beetle signing off. Have a nice day.


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