Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Olympic boxing

Today is the first of nineteen days of Olympic boxing. Why boxing gets so many days allocated is beyond me. For some reason, boxing, weight lifting and poncing around in the swimming pool with silly nose clips, seem to get more coverage than all the other Olympic events put together.

As far as the AOG boxing is concerned, part of the reason is that team millipede has entered the maximum number of contestants in each boxing class, and as Roger Pilipes, shown here warming up for his contest with Milo, has found out, the millipedes seem to have a few problems with this event.

Having delayed the start of the bout for nearly two and a half hours while he tied his boots on, there was an apparent communication problem between Milo and his legs. While the tail end was still climbing into the ring, the front end seemed to get confused and went back to the dressing room – this could take a while.

This is Dave the Dung Beetle signing off. Have a nice day.


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