Man Made Water Fall

A day late here. It has been a long cold week. I took this shot of a roadside culvert inlet after trudging back off a wooded hillside with a heap of survey kit. Thank goodness it was Friday night. (I can’t get the tense right if writing the following day.)
I know this isn't a political platform and I go to some length to avoid voicing a view on the matter; if I indeed have one yet; but I refer to the September referendum about an independent Scotland. The headline in the Herald today screamed out at me.
“Yes does not mean Yes”, “a senior coalition source has warned”, though the broadsheet front page layout positions the bold text immediately adjacent an image of Gideon Osborne (it was pointed out by a pedantic correspondent elsewhere that that is his name), implicitly associating the sentiment with the chancellor. A Yes result would not be recognised.
This paper is not famed for sensationalist type headlines and if anything, has a leaning to the right. The statement suggests that democracy in Scotland may not be recognised if the result is one that is perceived as an unfavourable one. It is alarming that in the subsequent 24 hours there has been no attempt by the coalition to distance themselves from the offensive headline that suggest they do not recognise democracy.

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