A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Peaceful Protest

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

I've had a wonderful day and have been spoiled by my wonderful Rory! A beautiful safety chain for my Pandora bracelet and the cutest (and cosiest) pair of mittens you will ever come across! We've had a bit of a lazy day as Rory is feeling a bit delicate after his day skiing yesterday! We had a lovely dinner at Nandos followed by some drinks and pudding (mmmm....hot chocolate fudge cake)!

We stumbled across a peaceful protest against gendered violence outside the Caird Hall this afternoon. There were people with colourful placards and collection boxes on behalf of Women's Aid Dundee. Both Rory and myself ended up dancing with the flashmob which drew quite a large crowd! What a wonderful way to draw attention to a great cause; through dance and music!

We ended the night with Rory giving a homeless man a cup of hot chocolate. It's freezing cold and raining and whilst it was only a small gesture and fairly cheap, the man appreciated it greatly! We all must remember that showing a little kindness costs us very little but means a whole lot to those in need of help.

Off to curl up in bed with a drink and watch Rush! I would highly recommend it if you've not already seen it, and if you have, watch it again anyway!

I hope you're all feeling loved and have made your loved ones feel special (although we should do this everyday not just Valentine's!)

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