fleeting visions

By eyeGillian

A good story

The old tagline "Meet me at the Market" is a perfect description of the way this small city operates. It is rare for me to walk into the City Market and not meet a friend or two, or at least see faces I recognize. I don't recognize these gentlemen, but I couldn't help snapping a quick photo of their animated conversation. It is so easy for me to forget that - despite the loveliness of the unpeopled universe I usually photograph - it is only when people are in a photo that it really comes to life. I could be standing in the centre of this market, with plenty of opportunity to shoot the architecture or the fresh produce, but it would be an empty exercise without the hustle & bustle of passersby, neighbours, storytellers.

For all my love of photographing uncrowded nature, a good candid portrait or image of someone in active conversation wins me over every time. It always has to do with story, because story is how we feel connected to each other and the images that move us.

Next week I am meeting with the head of a volunteer organization because they are looking for someone to photograph volunteers at work in the different agencies. I am beyond excited - and also more than a bit nervous - to have a chance to take photos of people as they do something they are passionate about. Today was a bit of a practice session for me. My next challenge is to actually talk to the people I want to photograph!

p.s. My apologies, dear blip friends - I have fallen far behind in visiting, replying & commenting - I hope to catch up this weekend. All is well, I've just been dealing with, well, February. Thanks for your patience!

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