
By BethAndCo

Our little 1 year old x

Our scrumptious little 1 year old went to bed a lot better last night and slept through, bless her. Again I was the one to wake her this morning, once I'd got myself ready for work. Every morning now, as I'm getting her washed and dressed, she lies there on her changing mat, looking up at me and signing 'milk' with both hands, it is so amazing that although she can't talk, she can tell me what she wants.

Again I've used a photo from her birthday party on Sunday for today, of her sitting on her Grandad's lap :-) xxx

Today's nursery daily diary entry...

Date 12/2/14
Key worker: Debbie
Parent Comments: Valentine card
Breakfast: toast
Snack: oranges and kiwi
Lunch: chicken curry and rice, yoghurt
Tea: cheese and crackers, grapes
Bottles: after lunch drank all, pm drank all
Sleep: 12.10-1pm
Nappies: 10w, 12ch, 1.15s, 4w
Activities: Eva had fun exploring the pasta today. She rubbed her hands in it and stirred it with a spoon.
Key worker comment: next steps - settling in - playing unaided

I fetched Eva at 5pm today and just before I got there, a little boy had pushed Eva over and scratched her little face and arm. Debbie said she had spoken to the little boy's mom about it, as apparently he is doing this quite a lot to the children. Eva cried a little bit, but when I picked her up, she just sat cuddled on my lap, sucking her num nums and looking as though she was about to fall asleep as I chatted with Debbie. I was then given a wonderful surprise, a Valentine's card that Eva had been working on all week. The top bit is a heart that she has painted red, then there is a green stalk, and stuck onto the stuck are 2 leaves which are actually Eva's footprints. Inside it says "I love you from the bottom of my heart to the tips of my toes", well, I was so choked, I couldn't stop looking at it and imagining Eva making it for us. Just beautiful.

When we got home, Kirsty came round with a birthday present and card for Eva, a gorgeous little outfit with a hoody, a top and jeggings. So thoughtful. Eva then had some stew and a yoghurt for tea, then opened a couple more of her presents and cards. She got a really cute dress, top and cardigan from Jenny and Gav and a lovely book called 'Easter Surprise' from Janine and Toby, it is a sound book, which Eva loves. I read it to her and she loved pressing the buttons to hear the sound of the bunny going 'boing', the chick going 'cheep', the lamb going 'baa' and the duckling going 'quack', very cute.

She was absolutely shattered, poor babba. She was lying forward with her head between her legs on her changing table as I was trying to brush her hair, she was that tired. She was fast asleep in bed by just after 7.30. Xxx

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