Nothing like...

...a homemade hot chocolate for the girls on a cold, wet and windy day.
This turned out to be the calmest part of our day as once the boys got back from Kin-ball it was go go go. We borrowed our friend's Mini bus/van again today and visited the shops to purchase more goods for our new home. The kids were fab and have been very patient. We then rushed home as we had some very last minute friends visiting from the UK. They asked us on Thursday if they could come for a visit but knew our house was upside down at the moment so stayed in a hotel in central Brussels. I think they were really pleased about this actually as two young lads who could hit the down and not be woken by young children the next morning!

We booked a tennis court in the afternoon and we all had a play including the kids and then myself, hubby and kids went to the climbing wall to help me practice as I have my indoor climbing wall instructors exam on Monday. I'm really worried about it as climbing really isn't my thing and as I have very low blood pressure I don't really have a head for heights and I'd never really done it before I moved here. I have to use prussik knots to climb to the top of a rope and back down in under 6 minutes, climb to the top of a wall, belay someone else, rescue someone on the wall by climbing up and rappelling down, demonstrate various other knots and identify mistakes on the harness and the belay device.
The kids played happily whilst hubby timed me and helped to belay me whilst I climbed. Then it was Olivia's turn to climb and she really is like a little spider girl and has no fear. She absolutely loves it and keeps asking me when we can go again.

From here we all went up to the house to unload a lot of boxes and show our friends our new house. Then it was time for hubby to leave as he was performing in the annual talent show at work.

Phew, what a day and tomorrow is set to be even busier!

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