Birthday stroll

Today started with a phone call from my parents and culminated with me dressed as a Franciscan nun, St. Clare of Assisi.

So, a leisurely breakfast. Spoke to the family, including my niece who has been chosen do do a solo on something called 'A voice in a million'. We haven't heard of it over here but it sounds very exciting for her. She'll be singing at the O2 (whatever that is) as well. I'm so proud of her. =)

Followed by a pressie from my flatmate.

Followed by more pressies from JL and a thoroughly pleasant walk (hence the photo) and a tasty lunch at the Brickmill Cafe.

JL took Cousteau for the afternoon/evening and I went to my friends' house to start setting up for the 'Heaven' party. It's basically the antithesis of a Halloween Party where we all dressed as saints instead of ghouls.

Not much into dressing up myself, but the habit was surprisingly comfortable and very warm.

Home via JL's to pick up the boy and then bed.

I am exhausted! Some early nights are on the cards methinks.

So, there I am, one year older and hopefully one year wiser.


I just found out that it's a double celebration tonight. Well done to Joe and all at Blipcentral. =)

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