That's Why I don't Mind You Doubting...
When I was at secondary school I studied Art to Ordinary Grade, that's Standard Grade for you Young Thangs".
My teacher was Ms Mac. She has some kind of weird Speech thing going on where Julie, was called Yoooli, and Jonathon, was called Yonathon, I can't even tell you was Parallel Lines was, because it was inexplicable to the naked ear.
She was not a nurturing kind. She did not see the good in any art I produced, until I decided that SeaScapes were the way forward. She believed that my mental expression was better than any still life that she placed in fwont of me.
She wanted to be called MSSSSSS.
She objected very, very strongly to being called Mrs Mac.
We called her Mrs Mac, every day.
My friend used to spend the whole period trying to conjure Poltergeist activity which she hold would stay on in the room long after we left.
After I left school. I worked in a Bank. My job was handing out the passbooks (what we used before bank cards), to the customers after the entries had been marked through the ledger.
One day, I was marking the ledger, and looked over ... There she was Msssss Mac. I jumped on to my little ledge with gay abandon and shouted "MSSSSSS Mac.... I remembered... You're a MSSSSSS not a MRS" . As she stomped up to me, Babe in arms, and said "now I am a MRS".
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