Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

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I love the serenity and solitude of a cemetery. It's fascinating to wander among the stones and ponder the stories of those buried beneath my feet. If only I could go back in time and talk to the departed, learn from their mistakes, revel in their successes. What secrets to happiness would they share with me? What wisdom would I glean from their sorrows?

Recently it dawned on me that I could learn these very things and more today, from the living. Find out their stories. What drives them to do the things they do? What regrets do they have? What treasures do they hold dearly? Of course, all of this involves real conversation and a willingness by me to make the time to listen. To not be shy or afraid around people.

That's what I was reminded of today as I communed with the dead for a few minutes on my way home from work. Although I think graveside conversations are important, why would I ever postpone conversation that presents itself today? There's too much to learn from others...

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