
We get a lot of weather up here. Of course, by that I don't mean sunshine and heat waves, I mean rain and snow and storms and howling winds. (And a bit of sun.)

This week, though, all that really bad weather appears to be Somewhere Else. Which is not to say we haven't been getting our usual amount of rain or, as you can see, snow.

Heaven knows I have a lot of sympathy for those currently suffering in the south. It's been several years since I first met someone up here who'd been flooded out of their home and I understand just how traumatic that can be. (Well, as well as you can when it hasn't happened to you.) Funny, though, that I don't remember quite so much sympathy from the government back then.

Funny also that in the midst of all this austerity David Cameron asserts that we are a wealthy country and that money is no object in helping those in need. (You can see both quotes here.) Only a cynic would suggest that the number of Tory voters in the affected areas have invoked this sea-change in attitude.

A Cynic.

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