Spring - In Winter!

This is the source of the river Gade - normally a small chalk stream that is often dry at this point in the summer. In the winter the water usually trickles out of a small hole in the ground.

Currently, with the chalk aquifer being so high, the water is being forced out with dramatic effect.

I must go back when the light is better to take more photos.

I learnt today, that my friends' pub in Surrey has flooded for the second time.
The first time was two days before Christmas. They were fully booked for Christmas Day and right through to the New Year and had to cancel everyone as there was a foot of muddy water throughout.

Having recently re-opened the Environment Agency dredged the stream, to protect homes further up the road, but stopped just short of the culvert outside their pub that takes the water under the road. Last week the pub flooded again, worse than before with both stream water and sewage.

They plan to re-open again in April. They're hoping their insurance is going to cover loss of earnings as well as the two lots of damage.

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