First Light on Roy

Early to bed and early to rise may make you healthier but it is more likely to result in images that interest. (Dog wisdom).
And so it was today as The Boss had stepped out of the bedroom to look for ME (I had gone back to my home pad under the stairs from my night posi beside the bed) and looked out the window to see this.
It is a very good thing that folk don’t tend to walk up our drive at 7.00 in the morning as he had his summer (very short) nightshirt on and immediately he:
Bolted down the hall and
bolted on his bigger glass
Not concerned that through the window
One might see his other parts.

I really am surprised how the standards seem to slip when The Bossess is elsewhere but as it was at least another hour till grub time I just went back to sleep.

Right then. This is the Roy Range that is the backdrop to our town and it was right and proper that the Boss bolted as this colour and light was fleeting and as The Boss (not withstanding his considerable enthusiasm) was not about to actually rush outside, not only because of the info above but also ‘Cos the view is blocked by trees, this was actually shot thru the bathroom window, ‘Cos it doesn’t open wide enough to get the gear out (camera and lens) so just think of it as an oversized UV filter if you are into that sort of thing. The Boss is not, as he thinks it a bad idea to pop $10.00 of cheap glass over the top of $600.00 of very good glass so we will call it his W (window) type lens filter and thanks to The Bossess it was sparkling clean as described on the bottle.

Having a superior design Dogs recognise people and stuff by smell but people have to use their eyes and today we met a nice lady out of our DEEP past (38 years). The Bossess had wondered if The Boss would actually recognise her in the street and he was relieved when a strange lady, who was approaching, waved and shouted.
A DOG would have run and greeted. But there is, I concede, the 38 years thingie so maybe he can be forgiven. Sorta. Perhaps.

Zoom into the colour

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