
By Angelique


This is where I work. If you look closely, in the middle of the photo, you can see a large red farmhouse and next to it on the right, with a strange shaped roof is where the office is. You can also see the metal shed used for cars/tractor etc. This is where my boss lives, with an office built into the back. Originally it was a cow shed and was converted about 6 years ago.

Before that the office was in the middle of Taunton, so it took much more effort to get there. The only problem with working in the rural countryside is that my car always looks like it has ploughed a field. But it's a small price to pay for being so close to nature.

Sir returned from his hols today, but sadly damaged his foot on the first day so didn't get to ski much. Of course I said, it's because he's getting older! oops, but he explained that it could have happened to anyone. Well it wont be happening to me, cos I dont go skiing. Too cold - give me a warm climate any day.

We haven't had any rain today - yipee, but apparently there's more on the way. Whoever is doing this dance for rain, can you stop now - we've had enough. White stuff next I expect.
I need good weather Friday and Saturday, please.

The rest of the day, not much to report really. Usual boring washing etc. and did grind down another panel on the lampshade. Unfortunately I now have two fingers damaged where the sharp glass digs into my skin. Had to put a plaster on it at work to be able to type as it was bleeding. What I do for my art, she says feigning a Miss Piggy.

Very tired today, must be the relaxing weekend catching up with me! Hope you have all survived Monday unscathed and look forward to hearing all YOUR news. Sending hugs~~~~~~

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