Well I wandered around after hours of words

I worked til 6.15, and got up, cleared my desk. Made sure I picked up my camera and my phone. Gave my desk the once over, and stuck my hand in my bag for the car keys.



Not there.

After raking for several minutes, I decided I must have left them in ignition. Not unheard of, I'm easily distracted once I reach work.

So I said my farewells and headed out to the car.

Ignition? . No.

Seat of Car? No.

Dookit? No.

Solution. Empty bag out on seat of car. Yes, that is the contents of my bag, and it does include two slices of bread.

No keys.

Stomp back into office. Look under desk . No keys.

As I stand up. What do I see, sitting on the desk, right in front of my keyboard.

Yes. that would be my keys.

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