And I, I'm ready to sail any ocean...
It is February, and it's getting colder than it was in January.
Little Women is on the TV and I thought for a horrible moment there, Beth was going to have a psychotic episode and kill her father for being Abul Nassir's inside man in the CIA.
I took a wee drive today, to get some assistance for my face. I think in this day and age, it is only fair to the people looking at me, that I make an effort to improve what is in front of them, instead of them having to look at the unkempt, messed up hair that is my head.
I came home via the woods, and they are a joy to behold right now - all snowdrops, and crocus shoots. it made me feel quite spring like, and hopeful that along with product induced hair styling and a slap of concealer, things are on the up every where.
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