Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Back again.... again.

True to form, I just haven't been dealing so well, and I dropped off the face of the planet a bit.
But I am still here. And doing as okay as I can be.
Waiting for surgery on my spine is going my head in, and I lost my jobs in photojournalism as a result. While understandable, my jobs were what gave me a lot of joy, so I hit a very low point.
But. Little Dude and I have moved back to our old stomping ground, so things are a bit more stable in a few ways. Steady flow of caffeine for starters. He's back at the school he loved, and back being revoltingly sweet with his Miss B. They are still going strong after two years..... As is evident here.

And the icing on the cake.... I've been offered a position teaching drama and photography to the older kids two days a week. :)

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